Each spring I anticipate the redbuds, and envy the trees in town the blossom before ours up in Rose. I gather the purple flowers and add them to apple-carrot-raisin salad, stir-fries and more. This year our dear friend David Gahn insisted we smell the wonderful locust blossoms on his trees. Not only do they smell fantastic, but he informed us they are also edible. I tried to imagine what would best capture their fragrance, and came up with locust blossom fritters. They are simple and a great vehicle for these sweet, delicate, albeit transient treats.

To 4 cups of locust flowers, add 2Tbsp flour and 2-3 egg yolks. Next, beat egg whites (2-3) with 1-2 Tbps. sugar (optional) until stiff peaks form. Fold this into the blossom mixture. Then just cook like pancakes. Enjoy immediately. They are great plain, but even better topped with a little local honey.