Johnny, worried about a flare-up from Bob (his inguinal hernia), got busy and cut-wood like a mad-man. I have a hankering for many things, but having a go at the chainsaw is not one of them.
The bad: our first frost. We said good-by to our last remaining squash plant, basil, tomatoes, and bell peppers; the later two we salvaged fruit from. Fortunately, our broccoli plants are finally starting to produce, and the kale is thriving once again. 
The ugly: a ball bearing dealt a near-fatal blow to Babe, our trusty blue tractor. The sinister little steel ball ricocheted throughout the transmission, tearing up one gear after another. Fortunately (da da-da da) Perry and Jessie James came to the rescue. Allow me to make a plug for our friends and stellar diesel mechanic team. Despite thier know-how, speed, and impressive resourcefulness, the price of owning an ancient imported tractor has suddenly made itself known to us. We are acquiring used parts from all over this country AND Canada. May I suggest the fine line of British import salvage as a side buisiness...