Spring is a season lived fully, where our days are packed and it's a struggle to not to be frustrated at the lack of hours in each day; but rather to stay aware of all the rich things we get to do.
Thanks to Leslie Moyer in Tahlequah, we planted some native fruit & nut trees - baby pawpaws and hazelnut bushes. We also added to our orchard by planting some apple trees, including the native Arkansas Blacks.
Johnny has been busy preparing garden beds and tilling in our crop field. He added a raised bed and 6 squash containers to the garden. As of today, we've planted lettuce, kale, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, snow peas, onions, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, and potatoes. Finally! We are a wee bit behind, as we rushed to finish enclosures and a barn for our dairy goats - arriving any day now!
Thanks to the inspiration of Emily Oakley & Mike Appel of Three Springs Farm in Oaks, Johnny build a home-made row-maker to use in our crop field to make modified raised beds to build soild under plants and make between-row cultivating simpler. 
Last, we took a field trip to a hatchery in Springfield, MO to buy some baby chicks. The hatchery was not impressive, but we hopefully will raise up some hardier roosters so we can eliminate this step in future years and our hens will raise thier own!